Customer Service: Give Thanks to Your Customers

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Customers. Without them your business (and mine) would have nothing. We can give them discounts on Black Friday or send a card around the holidays. But while that’s a nice way to say “thank you,” it also has short-term impact. Better to show you’re grateful by improving customer service.

Here are three things you can incorporate into your customer service practice to show your customers you appreciate them over the holidays and every day.

Make it easy to do business – mobile and online

Mobile, online – these are how today’s customers interact with businesses. Some are fine doing their own research and self-service and others need a helping hand. That’s why it’s important to have all your bases covered.

Read: Chat + Cobrowse: In-Person Experiences For Mobile Customers

Self-service through blogs and online success centers is a great place to start. You can inform customers about your products, provide tips and tricks about usage, offer customer stories and use cases, and more.

Responsive customer service through channels like Twitter and Facebook is another way to make your business more available. Social media allows customers to get in contact with customer service agents quickly but generally not immediately. At the same time, social media is a more public channel for customers to ask questions, which can be a good thing or a bad thing. That’s why you should also offer opportunities to move conversations to a more private responsive customer service venue, such as email or texting.

Use cobrowsing and screen sharing

Live customer service is the most intimate and personal channel a company can offer. Live customer service allows companies to virtually “work side by side” with with their customers.

Both chat technology and the good old-fashioned phone provide an instant means for customers and agents to share words. Cobrowsing allows customers and agents to share vision, as agents can instantly view and interact with customers’ web browsers (with permission, of course). When you come to a website enabled with chat or phone service and leveraging the benefits of cobrowsing, you know you’ve found an organization that truly gets it.

Read: What is Cobrowse? And How is it Different From Screen Share?

With cobrowsing, businesses share only what is happening in a browser, and only those pages that have been enabled. Agents won’t see customers’ email notifications or other desktop activities, nor will they see other websites that the customer browses. Thus, customers are assured of privacy and security. In addition, because objects are being sent instead of entire screen views, businesses can mask private information such as social security numbers, bank balances, passwords, and more.

There are, however, times that it makes sense for customer service agents to seamlessly move to screen sharing. Screen sharing can be important, for example, if a document exists only on a client’s desktop or if the agent is fixing a problem whose origin lies on the client’s desktop. That’s what makes Glance’s visual engagement platform so powerful. Businesses can be where customers need them to be, without causing customers to put forth any extra effort.

Continually improve customer service

Many of the solutions mentioned above can also be integrated into customer relationship management (CRM) and other systems. With data about client interactions being fed directly into your CRM, you can track customer activities and continually make changes to improve customer experience.

Are you constantly working to improve the customer journey? That’s the kind of customer service we can all be thankful for!

Ready to learn more about how visual engagement solutions like cobrowse and screen share can improve your customers’ journey? Download the free eBook today: Do I Need Visual Engagement Software?

Do You Need Visual Engagement Software? Glance Cobrowse, Screen Share, Agent Video

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About Glance Networks

Glance helps enterprise organizations create the ultimate customer experience with smart, omni-channel visual engagement solutions based around integrated cobrowse, screen share, and one-way agent video. We are one of the world’s simplest, most reliable and secure platforms that enable companies to see, show and share anything online, creating a frictionless path to great experiences in sales, support and customer service. The result is improved customer satisfaction and loyalty, increased revenue growth and operational savings. From financial services and healthcare to retail and travel and leisure, even the most advanced technology and SaaS organizations – we transform the customer experience for today’s business. Learn More »





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