Forrester Study Finds a 396% ROI from Implementing Visual Engagement

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A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting, The Total Economic Impact™ Of Glance Visual Engagement Platform, analyzes the cost savings and business benefits enjoyed by several organizations using Glance in their customer support centers. The interviewed organizations represent both B2B and B2C businesses with a strong online presence across a variety of industries. Each has a deep relationship with customers, yet had struggled in the past to elevate its support and service to desired levels.

Interviews with these organizations and analysis of their business outcomes uncovered some impressive findings:

  • Glance customers reduced average handle time by an average of 10%, resulting in over $1.65 million in savings.
  • Over $195K was saved through better first-time call resolution stemming from adopting Glance’s visual engagement technology.
  • Increased revenue opportunities driven by higher customer satisfaction scores totaled nearly $226K.

These tangible benefits of humanizing customer engagements are accompanied by reports of several important unquantified benefits such as higher customer retention and improved employee satisfaction stemming from feelings of accomplishment in being able to help customers achieve their goals more successfully.

The Total Value of Visual Engagement Delivers Cost Savings

Forrester’s financial analysis found that a composite organization based on those interviewed can experience benefits of almost three million dollars over three years, with a net present value over two million dollars and an ROI of 396% with payback in less than 6 months.

Clearly, empowering reps to see, show, and guide customers in solving problems quickly leads to dramatic improvements and impressive ROI.

Thanks to the Study Participants

Four of Glance’s longtime customers were interviewed by Forrester for this study, and we want to thank them for taking the time not only for the interviews but to delve into the numbers to document their business outcomes. The Forrester TEI methodology is rigorous and it was not an insignificant investment of time and effort on behalf of our customers.

You can download the full Forrester study, The Total Economic Impact™ Of Glance Visual Engagement Platform, now to find out how visual engagement from Glance delivers cost savings and boosts revenue.

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